The Pairio Process
For capturing the outside spaces and for getting imagery of your roof we use a 5.5m. Nothing missed and great data!
This is one of the point cloud models we create during the capture. Each pixel here is the end of a laser, millions of little dots allow us to know how big your property is! Don't worry, we have a cleaner model for you to explore!
This is one of our trusted scanners - it shoots out 460,000 lasers a second at the walls, ceiling, floors and anything else in its way. Manufactured by Leica, this state of equipment allows us to capture your property with near-millimetre precision!
So how do we do it? Below we outline what happens to get you onboard and trade ready
LiDAR Scan and Survey
Pairio completes non-intrusive survey and 3D reality capture utilising LiDAR, storing information within the model. We provide a digit twin by visualising your property through eyes of a builder, architect or consultant.
Projects added to our Project Hub
Trades/ Service providers buy access to the project and remotely tender for the project, reducing their overheads. They can see project before they buy
Model available to property owner
Property owner raises a new project, creating AI generated specifications and project information ready for tender. Retrofit scenarios are provided
Bids are returned
Tenderers are notified of successful bids and proceed with the work. After completion, they use a mobile phone to capture a 3D scan, generating an invoice and verifying the completion of their tasks.